What is #GEMSEM2020?
Trauma in older patients is a growing challenge to our systems and the providers working within them. Why does it matter? What matters? How do we embed trauma care specific to our older patients in our systems, education and daily workplace behaviours?
GEMSEM2020 will turn the challenges of this complex population into a unique opportunity for inter-professional learning. Come and spend Thursday May 7th with your prehospital, emergency, nursing, surgical, anaesthetic, radiology, intensive care, rehabilitation, general medical, geriatric, haematology, allied health and community colleagues.
Share your knowledge and experiences, expand your network, broaden your perspective and participate in some tough conversations. Together we can share principles and goals for our patients and work towards improved efficiency, prognostication, health outcomes and equity in trauma care.
Join us again on Friday May 8th at a half day research workshop for researchers passionate in tackling the challenges of trauma in older patients.
On behalf of PHEMC and our speakers, I look forward to seeing you there.
Dr Mya Cubitt
GEMSEM2020 Convenor